Redemption in the Wilderness by Byrd Andrea

Redemption in the Wilderness by Byrd Andrea

Author:Byrd, Andrea
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Wild Heart Books
Published: 2023-09-19T00:00:00+00:00

Apprehension tingled up Iain’s spine as he walked back to the cabin after settling Goldie into her temporary home in the animal corral. The poor mare had eyed the sheep warily, blowing out loud puffs of air as she attempted to determine if they were friend or foe. Iain could relate. Though they were no longer at risk of Indian attack, the surroundings seemed as foreign and unsettling to him as they had the mare.

“Lord, please keep me from temptation.”

He had left the eastern colonies for one reason—to remove himself from the presence of the drink that had nearly consumed him as a younger man. But this settlement reminded him too much of those towns where one could always find strong liquor. Though Iain liked to think that the years had made him stronger, a deep-seated fear lingered, deep down, that he was still no different from the father he had loathed. Would his care for Margaret, if not his weak faith, be enough to help him resist temptation?

A sudden, powerful urge to be near the wife he was coming to love dearly caused him to jog back to the cabin, ignoring the questioning glances thrown his way as he went. The door stood open, and both women startled at the sound Iain’s boots made on the steps. Margaret placed a hand on her chest as she released a breath, her mouth curving into the first genuine smile he had seen since their arrival. The sight calmed his nerves but sent butterflies swirling in his stomach. Ones that made him want to march across the miniscule room and sweep her into a kiss. But with Muireall present, he opted to turn around one of the chairs from the tiny table so that he could be near Margaret as she bent over a pan, warming meat over the fire.

Muireall, on the other hand, seemed to be an excited flurry of activity. While Margaret cooked, Muireall unloaded the saddlebags and packs, checking in with her sister on where various items should go. Not that there was much of a place for anything. What a shame circumstances had forced him to take the women from their larger cabin. But at least they were safe from attack. And surely, this would not be their home forever? Once the conflicts in Kentucky had settled down, the world outside the fort might be safe enough for them to start afresh. But when would that be?

Suddenly, Margaret was by his side, a hand on his shoulder. “Were ye able to get Goldie settled?” She slid a plate of sizzling, albeit burnt, venison onto the table next to him, pulling him from his thoughts.


Though two sides of the table were pushed against the wall and there were only two straight-backed chairs, Margaret placed two more plates on the table, petticoats swishing with each step. Iain stood to retrieve another seat, colliding with his wife as she turned. As her vibrant eyes came up to his, her lips parted in surprise.


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